The Versele Laga Food For Parrots Prestige is a high-quality mixture that has plenty of nutrition. It contains an assortment of 100% natural grains and seeds. It has been put together to suit the basic needs of your parrot. Remember to replace your parrot’s food tray with fresh feed regularly.
Your birds will be in top condition when they regularly get a supplement of eggfood, vitamins and/or minerals (e.g. Orlux Gold Patee Large Parakeets and Parrots, Oropharma Omni-Vit or Orlux Clay Bloc Amazon River).
Refresh feed and drinking water in time.
Striped sunflower seeds 25%, white sunflower seeds 20%, plata maize 8%, peeled peanuts 7%, wheat 6%, buckwheat 5%, pointed oats 5%, peeled oats 5%, safflower 5%, paddy rice 4%, milo 4%, whole peanuts 2%, pine nuts 2%, popcorn 1%, pumpkin kernels 1%